Buy microsoft office 2013 software
Buy microsoft office 2013 software

buy microsoft office 2013 software
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  4. Buy microsoft office 2013 software professional#

Office 2013 Home and Student, by comparison offers you just Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote for $140. With Office 365 Home and Business you get access to most apps from the Office suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access, and Publisher. But Microsoft is pushing the $100 per year option for Office 365. You can still buy a boxed version of Office 2013 at your local computer shop with prices starting at $140 for Office 2013 Home and Student. Originally designed for businesses, Office 365 allows you to always have the latest version of Office for a yearly subscription fee of $100.

buy microsoft office 2013 software

But first a run-down of what your Office options are. Let’s take a closer look at your options and consider the pros and cons.

buy microsoft office 2013 software

So, should you buy or should you rent? For individuals, there is no one answer. For Microsoft that beats someone buying Office 2010 and never coughing up more money for a newer version. Now Microsoft has hopped on the rental bandwagon and hopes you will start forking over a yearly subscription fee. Last April, Adobe rolled out its Creative Cloud subscription package for renting Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver. We pay annual subscription fees for our anti-virus software.

Buy microsoft office 2013 software software#

Нам важно знать ваше мнение.For the first time Microsoft is tempting Office users to rent, not own, software that for decades they’ve bought as a standalone program.

Buy microsoft office 2013 software professional#

In the cloud, your files are always at your fingertips - and always perfectly safe.Key featuresCreate professional text documents, presentations, and spreadsheetsManage your mailbox, edit extensive databases and publish contentEnjoy the simple visual appearance and the intuitive control of the interfaceTry improved touchscreen support on Windows devicesStore the files in the cloud and edit them from any device Доставка 15 GB of personal storage means that you can save many files without worrying about losing them. No matter what device you're working on at the moment, you can easily edit and share documents on OneDrive. The interface supports the operation on devices of various dimensions, each time remaining precise.OneDrive CloudCreate and store files in the cloud - a proven online drive that grants access to files from anywhere in the world. Try the convenient control of touchscreens, which lets you work wherever you want.

Buy microsoft office 2013 software Pc#

And the performance of the tools helps instantly find the most necessary functions of the program.Wherever and whenever you need itYou can use Office 2013 on both PC and Windows-based mobile devices. Simplicity and visual appearance are a relief for the eyes during long-term work. The intuitive interface makes you forget about the complex structures of other softwares. OneNote offers 15 GB of memory in the OneDrive cloud, Microsoft Publisher helps with projects, and Microsoft Access is the essential tool for updating databases.Comfort of useMS Office 2013 makes every project easy. Thanks to Microsoft Outlook, you are in constant e-mail contact - reply to messages or schedule e-mails for any time.

buy microsoft office 2013 software

Write and edit documents in Word, calculate and create spreadsheets in clear Excel tables and try advanced effects for creating professional presentations in PowerPoint.Advanced functionsMicrosoft Office Professional 2013 focuses on improved communication.

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Get the product key at and enjoy the license for Microsoft Office 2013.The well-known tools at your fingertipsIn the MS Office Professional 2013 package, you have access to proven tools from Microsoft. Thanks to the intuitive interface with an extensive touchscreen control system, you can appreciate its advanced functions on multiple devices - at home, in the office, and in travel. Microsoft Office Professional 2013 is a licensed PC software from Microsoft Windows that will make your work as effortless as ever.

Buy microsoft office 2013 software